Did you know that an action as simple as a click can either trigger mass animosity or go towards fostering a more positive culture on the Internet?
That’s the message that the inaugural Better Internet Conference 2019, co-organised by the Media Literacy Council and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), wanted to drive home to its audiences.
As the event’s official host, Emcee Wayne Chan was privileged to hear from both international and local experts from social media giants Facebook, Google and Twitter who shared about topics that have gained prominence in the national consciousness over the past few years; including fake news, cyber safety, cyberbullying and raising a resilient digital native generation.
Remember that every click you make can have far reaching, lasting, and very real consequences.
Everyone has a responsibility to embrace conscious, discerning and empathetic online actions, in order to create a safer, smarter and kinder Internet for all.
Event was graced by the Guest-of-Honour, Minister for Communications and Information Mr S Iswaran and the Chairman for the Media Literacy Council, Mr Lock Wai Han.